Who is the author?
Hello! I'm Simon Komlos.

Around 6, I declared to my parents that I would become a millionaire. As my parents had never even seen close to a million dollars, their surprised reaction made me wonder: how could I make that happen?
At 12, I started experimenting with entrepreneurship—coding, creating, and failing over and over again while learning valuable lessons.
At 26, my co-founders and I sold a financial education company for $36 million. We had partnered with over 300 U.S. financial institutions and helped millions of young people learn financial literacy.

But that success was my 20th try at starting a business! I’m not particularly special—I got bad grades in school and was such a late bloomer I constantly felt behind my peers. But I started early, learned from failures, and focused on building skills, habits, and mindsets that turned my childhood dream into reality through a journey of entrepreneurship.
These same tools can help you create a life where you can be creative, make money, help others, and have the freedom to pursue what excites you. My mission is to break these big ideas into simple, actionable steps so you can take control of your future.